Useful websites
COVID- 19 precautions
Please call ahead of your appointment if you have had contact with a suspected COVID case or have had respiratory symptoms with or without fever. It is recommended you stay at home if you are unwell
Please check the latest COVID 19 information and follow current health advice as given on NSW Health website
Mask Wearing
Protection for all
Masks are no longer mandatory but are required at all times if you are unwell with respiratory symptoms. This is to ensure your safety and also the safety of others. You may also be asked to wear a mask during examinations, exercise and imaging tests
Please ask our team if you have forgotten your mask and one will be provided
Hand Hygiene
Stop the spread
There is hand sanitiser at various locations around the office.
We ask that everyone use this on entry, if you don't see one please ask one of our staff.
Social Distancing
Minimising waiting room time
Our waiting room has limited space. The chairs have been spaced to observe current social distancing rules. Please aim to be at least 1.5m away from each other as much as possible.
Please bring only one support person with you to your appointment and ensure they are also well
Your appointment may include waiting time for additional tests as needed. To minimise your waiting time in the office we may ask you to wait outside and SMS you when your appointment time is due
Exercise Testing
Aerosol Generating Procedure
To prioritise your safety whilst in our facility you are asked to do a rapid antigen test at home before undergoing exercise stress testing as this is an aerosol generating procedure. We will ask you to sign a consent form that confirms this and that you are free of respiratory symptoms on the testing day.
You will be asked to wear and mask during the test.
Other Testing
Echo, ECG, Device Checks, Monitors
We are very aware of minimising your risk whilst underdergoing procedures at our practice. We have streamlined our imaging and stress test protocols to ensure they are efficient as possible. We are no longer able to do spirometry, but our holter monitor, 24hr BP machines and device checks will go ahead as normal
Please note you may be asked to wear a mask if necessary during some procedures
All equipment is thoroughly cleaned after each use with alcohol based wipes/disinfectant sprays
Telehealth Appointments
New option for care with your Cardiologist
If you are unwell and cannot attend your appointment, please inform our reception and we can convert your appointment to Telehealth. This will allow us to plan the next steps in your care when your symptoms improve